What is it about social media people that make them just so darn generous? Every day I read my Twitter stream and come across one or two people who are creating awareness or trying to raise money to help one cause or another.
Step back and you can certainly see how it makes sense. Social Media people are, well, social. We care about our fellow man (and woman and children and animals and environment). We exist in a system that is supported by the camaraderie and sharing of others.
It’s no small wonder then that non-profits abound on Twitter(). With the free and easy-to-setup interface, a potential to reach a vast audience, the ability to engage with people in conversation directly, and the possibility to garner an audience more open to causes than advertisements, it seems a no-brainer for any organization seeking philanthropy and recognition for their mission. Like a cadre of superheroes, these organizations are on the spot, helping people with disaster recovery, health and human services, or just to get a dog a nice home.
As Director of Communications at @ALSofGNY, I have embraced the benefits of Twitter. I follow a number of other non-profits to keep up with best practices on using the medium and to share ideas. Below are 26 charities and non-profits that are on Twitter. Tell us about your own charity in the comments.
1. The 1010 Project
Name: @the1010project
Website: the1010project.org
Mission: “The 1010 Project is a nonprofit organization that provides income-generating grants to indigenous development partners in Kenya and raises awareness in the United States on behalf of the global poor.”
Denver is a long way from Kenya. The 1010 Project seeks to make that span seem a little bit shorter. On their Twitter account you’ll find info on the ins and outs of working for change in Kenya. They’re really hooked in to social media and some of their staff Twitters on their own. They use Twitter to engage followers on issues of global poverty in general by publicizing advocacy events as well as interesting facts about poverty.
2. American Cancer Society
Name: @AmericanCancer
Website: cancer.org
Mission: “The American Cancer Society (ACS) is a nationwide, community-based voluntary health organization.”
Taking the fight against cancer to the social web, the American Cancer Society tweets about cancer research, specific types of cancer news, and information. They also connect to @RelayForLife, a Twitter account that provides updates on one of the American Cancer Society’s largest fundraising and awareness events.
3. American Red Cross
Name: @RedCross
Website: redcross.org
Mission: As part of a worldwide movement that offers neutral humanitarian care to the victims of war, the American Red Cross distinguishes itself by also aiding victims of devastating natural disasters. Over the years, the organization has expanded its services, always with the aim of preventing and relieving suffering.
Do you know of an unfolding catastrophe or just want to find out about some terrible event happening around the globe that is affecting the lives of millions of people? As the official account for the American Red Cross, @RedCross uses Twitter to warn and interact with people about situations that may require their help. Wherever disaster strikes, @RedCross is there to lend a hand, and they’re Twittering about it to let you know what you can do as well.
4. Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology
Name: @anitaborg_org
Website: anitaborg.org
Mission: “The Anita Borg Institute seeks to: Increase the impact of women on all aspects of technology, and increase the positive impact of technology on the world’s women.”
@anitaborg_org aggregates content from around the web relating to women and technology into their Twitter account to further its mission. They also promote the people and organizations that help to promote women in tech.
5. Appropriate Infrastructure Development Group
Name: @aidg
Website: aidg.org
Mission: “Boston-based nonprofit working in Guatemala & Haiti to get communities affordable renewable energy, sanitation, and clean water. Friend us. We’re nice.”
Another city that hosts a non-profit dedicated to helping specific poverty-stricken regions of the world. They educate on the issues that affect Guatemala & Haiti, some of them emanating from our own backyard.
6. Cradles to Crayons Philadelphia
Name: @C2CPhilly
Website: cradlestocrayons.org
Mission: “To provide, free of charge, low-income and homeless children from birth to pre-teen the basic essentials they need to be safe, warm, ready to learn, and valued. We also set a foundation for lasting change through the meaningful, tangible volunteer opportunities we provide to thousands of youth and adults each year.”
This non-profit uses Twitter to let followers know what they’re up to and where users can donate materials. If you have extra supplies and want to know how and where to donate, then follow @C2CPhilly. People! Kids need crayons. It’s that simple. They also need paper and scissors and clothes and books and shoes and…
7. Create The Good
Name: @createthegood
Website: aarp.org
Mission: “Create The Good is the network to connect AARP members, friends and families with ways to make a difference. Founded in 1958, AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization that helps people 50 and over improve the quality of their lives.”
With their Create The Good Twitter account, AARP uses its network to point out members of the organization who are making a difference in the world. They also help promote other organizations and the media channels making a positive impact on the lives of others. You can also learn about regional opportunities to get involved with good projects.
8. Exploratorium Museum
Name: @Exploratorium
Website: exploratorium.edu
Mission: The Exploratorium stands in the vanguard of the movement of the “museum as educational center.” It provides access to, and information about, science, nature, art, and technology. The Exploratorium is a leader in the movement to promote museums as informal education centers.
How can you not be intrigued by the name of this Twitter feed? @Exploratorium features updates from the museum on exhibits and other cool fun stuff, like giant bubbles! Follow along and you’re bound to learn all sorts of interesting, educational tidbits from them. Alex Smith, their social media liaison, encourages the conversation and invites followers to ask questions and send comments. To follow along with the conversation they encourage people to tag their tweets with #explo.
9. Greenpeace
Name: @Greenpeace_Intl
Website: greenpeace.org
Mission: “An independent global campaigning organisation acting to change attitudes and behavior, to protect the environment and promote peace.”
Greenpeace has a storied and controversial past. On Twitter they continue their in-your-face operation, challenging the status quo and then challenging the agents of change to the status quo just to make sure they’re keeping it real. If you think live tweeting a conference is cool, follow them to get live updates, photos and video as they inform about the actions of activists all around the world. Knowing their history, they’re probably somewhere on the cyber seas protecting the Twitter Fail Whale as we speak.
10. Hemp Industries
Name: @HempIndustries
Website: thehia.org
Mission: “Non-profit trade group representing hemp companies, researchers and supporters.”
According to a recent tweet by @HempIndustries, the paintings of Vincent Van Gogh and Rembrandt were regularly painted on hemp canvases. Follow them on Twitter and you’ll find out all kinds of interesting facts. Like the fact that there even is a hemp industry. Plus, they use the most dingbats and symbols of any Twitter account I know.
11. The Humane Society of the United States
Name: @humanesociety
Website: hsus.org
Mission: “The Humane Society of the United States is the nation’s largest animal protection organization — backed by 11 million Americans, or one of every 28. For more than a half-century, The HSUS has been fighting for the protection of all animals through advocacy, education, and hands-on programs. Celebrating animals and confronting cruelty.”
If there’s a chimp in a clinch, they’ll be there. If there’s a turtle in turmoil, count them in. And if someone’s hassling a hippo, they will stop it. The Humane Society is spreading the word and motivating their constituents to action through Twitter. They engage by asking for feedback and reactions on issues in the media that affect animals.
12. Kramden
Name: @Kramden
Website: kramden.org
Mission: “Dedicated to bridging the digital divide by awarding computers to hard-working, underprivileged children.”
This newbie non-profit to Twitter has been pretty active so far and their mission should inspire all of us here. They are using Twitter to let the world know how important it is to connect underprivileged children to the Internet and about both their successes and their needs.
13. The LAMP
Name: @thelampnyc
Website: thelampnyc.org
Mission: The LAMP (Learning About Multimedia Project) provides basic media literacy skills to the inter-related groups of youths, their parents and educators throughout New York City. Free media literacy workshops and events demystify the constant flow of media these three groups encounter, bridge the gap between generations, and provide workforce development skills for future generations.
These guys help out with something close to all our hearts: New Media. They tweet about issues where media and learning come together all in the name of nurturing media literacy. The LAMP also uses Twitter to engage followers in conversation about the best ways to use Twitter and what the implications are of Twitter’s popularity.
14. LCA Trust
Name: @preserveland
Website: lcatrust.org
Mission: “We provide emergency funding and legal support to preserve open spaces and natural resources, and promote smart-growth ideals that foster land conservation.”
Steve from LCA Trust uses Twitter to ask the community to share ideas about the areas of the world they work to preserve. He updates on the status of conservation efforts the organization is involved in.
15. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Name: @llsusa
Website: lls.org
Mission: “The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is the world’s largest voluntary health organization dedicated to funding blood cancer research, education and patient services. LLS’s mission: Cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families.”
@llsusa is a great resource for patients, their families, and supporters. They regularly provide information about blood cancer, research and events that readers can get involved in.
This is Team Mashable’s charity of choice in the Social Media Smackdown for Charity.
Website: livestrong.org
Mission: “At the Lance Armstrong Foundation, we inspire and empower people affected by cancer. We believe that unity is strength, knowledge is power and attitude is everything.”
This group single-handedly started a nonprofit fashion trend with colorful rubber bracelets. Just like the awareness they built with those bracelets, they strive to inform the public about cancer and provide people with the tools they need to “live life on their own terms.” They’ve also used Twitter to encourage and support patients and teach people how to Live Strong in the face of this terrible disease.
17. The Mid-Atlantic Great Dane Rescue League
Name: @magdrl
Website: magdrl.org
Mission: “Mid-Atlantic Great Dane Rescue League. All-volunteer org. We rescue, rehabilitate and find homes for lost, abandoned or neglected Great Danes.”
Talk about a specific mission. They use Twitter to post updates about the dogs they help, including twitpics. They also send good wishes to the animals that have been rescued because of their efforts. If you want to find some pet friendly apps for your iPhone or find out the latest dog-related event in their region this is where you’ll find it.
18. National Peace Corps Association
Name: @pcorpsconnect
Website: peacecorpsconnect.org
Mission: “We are citizens who served in communities in more than 134 developing countries since the Peace Corps was created in 1961. That global experience defined our lives and changed our views of the world and of our role in that world. We are teachers, community activists, business leaders, government officials, members of Congress, ambassadors, social entrepreneurs, and other members of the Peace Corps family.”
The NPCA is the national association to connect, inform, and engage people impacted or inspired by the Peace Corps. Following @pcorpsconnect is the next best thing to being there. They tweet about the work and living environment of volunteers throughout the world. You can get the latest news about the work the Peace Corps is involved in right now and the issues that they seek to advance.
19. The National Wildlife Federation
Name: @NWF
Website: nwf.org
Mission: “The National Wildlife Federation works to inspire Americans to protect wildlife for our children’s future.”
Not only has The National Wildlife Federation embraced Twitter by tweeting under some of their own brands like @greenhour and @wildlife_watch, they’ve mobilized the troops to tweet under their own identities to help promote the mission. They also have a Twitter search stream on their website for people to see what other wildlife watchers are twittering about.
20. Nature Conservancy
Name: @nature_org
Website: nature.org
Mission: The leading conservation organization working around the world to protect ecologically important lands and waters for nature and people.
@nature_org provides a good summary of their blog posts, enticing you with a controversial or interesting question along with a link instead of cutting them off in the telltale sign of an RSS dump to their Twitter account. They also retweet other people’s tweets when those others reference the Nature Conservancy’s projects, which shows that they’ve got the antennae up.
21. PETA
Name: @officialpeta
Website: peta.org
Mission: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is the largest animal rights organization in the world. PETA focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: on factory farms, in laboratories, in the clothing trade, and in the entertainment industry.
PETA tweets the word about animal rights, making themselves heard, and evangelizing the cause. Learn who they will be protesting against or what kind of action needs to be taken. Also, get recipes for vegetarian dishes. They will go to any length to let others know about the animal rights cause. Even questioning the manhood of Twitter users to prove it.
22. Save the Children
Name: @savethechildren
Website: savethechildren.org
Mission: “Save the Children is the leading independent organization creating lasting change for children in need in the United States and around the world.”
@savethechildren provides readers with information on what they’re up to, issues affecting children around the world, and how users can make a difference.
23. Share Our Strength
Name: @sharestrength
Website: strength.org
Mission: “Share Our Strength is a national organization that works hard to make sure no kid in America grows up Hungry. We weave together a net of community groups, activists and food programs to catch children at risk of hunger and surround them with nutritious food where they live, learn and play.”
Jeff Wiedner tweets from this account on behalf of Share Our Strength, sharing great information and resources about the cause, but also partaking in conversations. @sharestrength even recently took part in #followfriday, suggesting other “hunger fighters.”
This is Team Elevenmoms’ charity of choice in the Social Media Smackdown for Charity.
24. Stand Up to Cancer
Name: @su2c
Website: standup2cancer.org
Mission: “Stand Up To Cancer is a new initiative created to accelerate groundbreaking cancer research that will get new therapies to patients quickly and save lives. SU2C’s goal is to bring together the best and the brightest in the cancer community, encouraging collaboration instead of competition.”
@su2c Provides helpful links to articles relating to cancer, links to celebrity fundraisers to benefit the charity and its cause, and much more.
This is Team Corbin’s charity of choice in the Social Media Smackdown for Charity.
Name: @unicef_uk
Website: unicef.org.uk
Mission: “UNICEF UK is one of 36 UNICEF National Committees based in industrialised countries. UNICEF National Committees raise funds for UNICEF’s worldwide emergency and development work. In 2007 UNICEF UK raised £41.3 million for UNICEF’s work with children worldwide. UNICEF UK also advocates for lasting change for children. For example UNICEF UK’s Public Affairs Team works to change government policies and practices that are detrimental to children’s rights in the UK and internationally.”
@unicef_uk tweets about their programs and provides calls to action, instructing readers about how they can help UNICEF create lasting change for children around the world.
26. WWF
Name: @WWF_Climate
Website: panda.org
Mission: To stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature, by: Conserving the world’s biological diversity; ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable; promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption.
They have a cute logo. And they protect the homes of cuddly little creatures. Keep track of everything the World Wildlife Federation does. One tweet at a time, they talk about the issue that matters to us all: Protecting the Earth. From their account you’ll read about how to help save the earth, global warming and scientific reports.
Lon S. Cohen is a writer and Director of Communications at @ALSofGNY. He is @obilon on Twitter.